2020 Makeup Project: Project Pan!

For the first time ever, I'm trying something new with my makeup: a year-long Project Pan!

If you've never heard of it, you basically designate a group of products (or a product from each makeup category), and make a point to use them more often. The goal is to try and finish those products before the year is up! It's a great way to utilize the makeup you already have so nothing goes to waste.
You can modify this challenge however you like! Some people refresh products every 3 months, others keep the same products the full year. Entirely up to you! My plan is to refresh every 3 months or as needed, just to cycle through more products. You can also choose how you want to measure your progress! The most common ways I've seen are by weight or by visual comparison. My Makeup Project Pan 2020 will be based on product weights.

(Shout out to Kat and Hailey from BeautyNews for inspiring me to do this project, and for making the handy spreadsheet!) 

Since I haven't done one of these before, I found a handy chart that helps organize all the products in your project. You can download it here if you want to try this project yourself! Here's my product list and products weights for the first quarter of 2020:

Next update for March will feature some new product changes in this Project Pan!

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